Saturday 5 July 2014

Gaia The Goddess of Life-The Big Couch

Gaia The Goddess of Life is one of the main players of my work WIP self published comic "The Big Couch"
As I've mentioned in post before about the book, it's an intergalactic cosmic space mecha odyssey. YES I think thats genre! I'll hopefully have some more pages done by the end of the week to show at the Chaos City con on the 12th July. 
This week has been great week for me, my prints for the con are done (which you can see below and I'll be selling at the show) 

Postcards are on the way and response to my work this week has be great. Thank you to everyone for all for the faves, RT'S and kind words. A very special thank you to two people Antony Ez Esmond @Ezohyes and Marc Laming @monkey_marc for always pushing, challenging, guidance and promoting my work at every opportunity you two are truly great friends.
Anyway enough twittering and back to work I go.

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