Tuesday 1 January 2019

G & T Webcomic 2019

As some of you may be aware am currently working on setting up my webcomic G & T. My original plan was put the site online in September 2018 and in time for Thought Bubble 2018 unfortunately I couldn't reach that goal. The story, art and scale of the story I wanted to tell was too much to do in the time scale and I felt that my skills as an illustrator were up to scratch at that time. Am not saying that am superb or best artist ever now. But over the past couple months I feel that am at the level were I can tell the story of G & T they way I have imagined, hopefully become a better storyteller and illustrator throughout its time were the story will come to it's epic end.

Also I decided that I wanted to released a 5-7 pages first to give a better start. So my intention is  to release the first 5-7 pages at the end of January 2019, from then on I will add a page every week (day still to be decided)
I hope that makes sense and I appreciate the love and patience people have already shown.
The website is already online with a bio and a coming soon poster.  Go check it out over at gtwebcomic.com

Thanks Matt

PS Heres a little peek at some WIP art, character designs etc.